स्वस्थता, शुध्दता
र एकताको प्रतिक

Swastik Oil Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Located in south east Nepal’s Biratnagar, Swastik Oil Industries Pvt. Ltd.’s factory is based on Swedish technology for Alfa Laval. Since it began in 1989, it has earned its identity as Nepal’s biggest company in the oil manufacturing sector–with a manufacturing capacity of 450 tonnes per day and crushing capacity of 100 TPD of mustard seeds aiding the production of micro-filtered Mustard Seed Oil.
450 TON
manufacturing per day
100 TPD
crushing capacity

First plant in Nepal to introduce cold de-waxing (winterisation) technology for processing crude sunflower oil in 2000

First plant in Nepal to receive the HACCP certification and introduce Vitamin A and D fortification in Soybean Oil under Swastik Health.

Nepal Standards Quality Award for excellence in quality, safety
and hygiene
*HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
मनबाट बनेको यहाँहरुको मुटुका लागी
Swastik Oil Industries Pvt. Ltd.’s
Brands and Products

Edible Oil
Your health partner for a healthy lifestyle

Edible Oil

Swastik Vanaspati Ghee
1/2 ltr | 1 ltr | 15 ltr

Swastik Soyabean Oil
1/2 ltr | 1 ltr | 2 ltr
5 ltr | 15 ltr
5 ltr | 15 ltr

Bigul Mustard Oil
1/2 ltr | 1 ltr | 2 ltr 5 ltr | 15 ltr

Dhara Health Sunflower Oil
1/2 ltr | 1 ltr | 2 ltr | 5 ltr

Sunflow Sunflower Oil
1/2 ltr | 1 ltr | 2 ltr
5 ltr | 15 ltr
5 ltr | 15 ltr